Monday, October 14, 2013

Team Killing

Fucking knock it off. Seriously. I'm not fucking around. If the concept of teamwork is lost on you then fuck off and go play for another crew. I have now been killed in free roam by 3 different crew members. The purpose of running with a crew is to have each others backs, not shoot each other in the back. If this continues I will start kicking members off the crew on the 1st offense.

Last night in free roam I dropped off a car with Simeon as I left the garage I noticed a red blip coming towards me on the minimap. I quickly got behind cover and aimed an assault rifle at the driver. The person's Gamertag popped up and I recognized it as a crew member. I knew the bounty on them was worth $9000 but I did not fire. why? Because unlike some of you I actually give a shit about teammates. Not only did I give up a $9000 bounty, but I also could have jacked the car he was taking to Simeon for even more cash. I let him go and jacked a nearby car and took off. As I left I noticed a white blip coming towards us. I turned back around and positioned myself so I could fire on them if necessary to protect the crewmate from the bounty hunter. The crewmate killed the bounty hunter earning an instant wanted level. He then ran for my car and got in I drove around trying to shake cops and other players out for his bounty. Eventually we both got killed by cops. When we respawned what happened? The fucking crew member I just helped shot me... intentionally.

Hospital visits when you get killed cost about $2000 each time. It's not a lot of money, but it quickly adds up. Between the crew member that shot me and the cops shooting me I lost $4000. This is why it pisses me off. Not just that but I trust crewmates when I'm in free roam, so I don't shoot at them... ever. Even if there is a bounty on them. Shooting me unprovoked as a crewmate is just an asshole move. So I'll say it one more time.... Fucking knock it off!

If you kill me 3 times in free roam I will kick you off the crew. Thatis cumulative, not consecutive. 1 crew member has killed me twice. the other 2 have only killed me once each. But like I said if it continues to be an issue I will start kicking on the 1st offense. Me having a bounty on me does not give a free pass either. The only time you are allowed to kill me in GTA Online is in a deathmatch on an opposing team. It is NEVER okay in free roam. Let it sink in. I don't want to have to post about this again.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Grand Theft Auto Online Launch

Grand Theft Auto Online launches in less than 24 hours. I'm sure you're all looking forward to it as much as I am. That being said I wanted to post about a couple of things here...

1) A reminder, loyalty and dedication to the crew is important. The most loyal and dedicated crew members will be promoted to upper management on a monthly basis as per the rules I already posted earlier. Deadbeats will be cut on a montly basis as well to make room for players that actually want to play for and represent the crew. I realize that new games will be coming out that will divide our attention. For exmple I'm getting Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed 4 in November on Xbox One so I likely will spend a lot of time playing those when they come out. So deadbeat players will only be cut for the 1st 3 months. After that I will only cut once every 3 months. I'm sure everyone can manage to play online for like 30 minutes in a 3 month period, right? Doesn't seem like too much to ask.

2) A new rule. When you crew up online the person with the highest multiplayer rank leads the crew. If there are 2 or more players that have the same highest rank then the crew leader is the person higher on the crew hierarchy. If they are all on the same hierarchy level as well then you just decide between you who leads. If the person with the highest rank or hierarchy doesn't want to lead the crew then they can pass the torch on to the next person. The reason multiplayer rank takes precedence over hierarchy is because those with higher rank will likely have access to more multiplayer activities. Like heists for example... Apparently in order to organize a heist you have to have a big apartment/house that includes a white board for heist planning. So it would not make sense for someone of low rank who doesn't have one yet to lead when someone else already does have one.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Recruitment and Invitations

All are welcome to invite friends to join the crew so you can play with your friends. There's still a little room left on the crew and some members leave voluntarily every week and I wil be kicking out deadbeats every month so even if there is no room on the crew at the time they want to join, fear not, there may be room in the near future. Invites will be given out on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Once GTA Online launches I believe upper management will be able to invite people through the game. Presently I think any member can invite through Max Payne 3, but I think in GTA Online that option won't be available to muscle level members, but that doesn't mean you can't send your friends to the crew page on the Rockstar Games social club and have them request an invite.

Basic Crew Rules Part 2

Those of you who earn promotions will have certain privlidges and responsibilities. Commissioners have nearly as much administrative access to the crew as I do, which includes being able to delete emblems and change crew settings. Even though you have the ability to do this doing it without mu permission will result in an immediate and indefinite demotion, if not being kicked from the crew. If it becomes a problem I will just give those positions to trusted friends. I'd rather not do that though because I want every member of the crew to have an equal chance for advancement. I want to be able to reward dedication and loyalty with promotions.

Other privlidges of upper management is the ability to promote or demote members. While I will be overhauling the management every month based on dedication and loyalty the present management is welcome to promote or demote as they seem fit, but I expect management to be fair in their demotions. This means don NOT demote or kick anyone from the crew simply because they are gaining on you in the leaderboards and might take your job. Do that and YOU will be kicked. If the position means that much to you... earn it by being the most loyal and dedicated member you can be.

Commissioner positions will only be held by 1 person from each platform that is #1 on the crew leaderboards. This means there will be only 1 commisioner to represent each platform. As Commissioner you are responsible for managing the crew members on your platform. Organize events where a bunch of you get together and cause mayhem online.

I think that's about it... at least for now.

Basic Crew Rules

Everyone is welcome to join Callipygous Killers regardless of their platform. At present we have members on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.  Most are on Xbox and PS3 though. I might consider phasing out the PC members since GTA Online is not presently being made for PC. I'll wait a bit to see if Rockstar adds a PC version in the future before making that decision though.

I expect at least some loyalty and dedication by every member of the crew. I don't care if you run with other crews as well but if you want to remain a member of this crew you have to put time in. Deadbeats will be kicked. I will do performance reviews once a month during the 1st week of the month and anyone not on the Crew Leaderboards for GTA Online or MP3 will be kicked. I will also keep a record of the bottom 10 players each month. If there has not been any further dedication you will be kicked. This means if you only play a few games with our crew just to get on the leaderboards, you'll avoid being kicked for a month but if your stats are the same as the previous month you will be kicked. So I want to see people putting in time every month. As long as you can stay above the bottom 10 members from each platform you won't have anything to worry about.

Dedication pretty much refers to the amout of time you put in for the crew. Loyalty is having the crew set as your active crew. Since I am okay with everyone joining and playing for other crews I don't expect loyalty as much as dedication. However, it is a REQUIREMENT for upper management. If you are promoted to Commissioner, Lieutenant, or Representative you MUST have the crew set as your active crew. I will only check for this when I do performance reviews each month. If you're a top player in the crew leaderboards and have this crew set as your active crew you will earn a promotion. If it is not you will be passed over or demoted. So you're welcome even as management to play with other crews but you chances of keeping your positions in upper management is to play more for our crew than another crew and keep it set as your active crew as much as possible.

Every member is welcome to publish an emblem for our crew. If you publish one I like enough to replace our curwent emblem you will be promoted to Representative for as long as the crew uses your emblem as long as you have this crew set as your active crew. I will only check once a month like usual though. So you can still run with other crews. If this crew is set as your emblem at the time I choose to start using it the promotion will be immediate. If it's not I will check again during the next performance review. You can earn a higher promotion by scoring high on the leaderboards like everyone else, but you will not be demoted to Muscle unless this crew is not set as your active crew or someone else makes a better emblem that I choose to replace yours with.

Another part of Loyalty is how you play with other crewmates online. I don't want to see anyone stiff a crew member on their share from a heist. Doing this will result in demotion for upper management as well as permission for those you stiffed to retaliate and kill you once and loot your corpse. If this happens Also there is no killing and robbing of crewmates except in the situation mentioned above, or you're placed on opposing teams in a competitive match.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Introduction Part 2

I typed out the 1st post (and this one as well) on my Xbox's browser because my PC is shot. Unfortunately the Xbox browser is a little wonky so I was unable to finish what I was typing before posting the 1st post so I'm continuing here.

I think I've said enough and made my point about starting your own crews, but I'll end that advice by saying that even though recruiting is competitive running your own crew is kind of fun if you're patient and dedicated. With the recent addition of Crew Hierarchies allowing crew leaders to delegate responsibilities to other crew members might take some of that responsibility off you though so that does make thing easier as long  as you trust your management staff and there's no creative differences.

I'll talk a bit here about the crew itself... I chose the name "Callipygous Killers" because "Callipygous" is my favorite word in the English languge. One that is not often used that basically means "nice ass". I'm also very much an ass man. To me a nice shaped ass is a woman's most beautiful and appealing physical asset. I saw some photos online of women holding guns near their ass and one of them inspired the emblem our crew uses. When I 1st created the Crew I commissioned a skilled emblem artist on the Rockstar Newswire to make the emblem based on photo it is inspired by and he did an incredible job. I did some minor editing to make the final version we now use.


Welcome to the Official Crew Blog of the Callipygous Killers. I decided to create this blog for a more permanent place to keep the crew updated with information pertaining to the crew. I'll start off here with a post about myself to give you all a little insight into who your Crew Leader is.

My name is Troy. I'm a 38 year old single dad with full custody of my 5 year old son. I reside in the state of Oregon USA. I am a deaf guy too so you should all be aware of the fact that I do not use a headset and mic. People I game with will need to send me a text message to communicate.

Callipygous Killers is the only crew I belong to and I have no intention of joining any other crews. I deny every crew invite I'm sent regardless of who they are from. I've passed up invites to some top crews in the Max Payne 3 leaderboards with some incredibly skilled players and I've also denied invites from friends to join their crews. This is simply because I'm 100% committed to this crew. Even if I did accept an invite to join another crew chances are extremely thin that I will ever participate in it. I'd just be a deadbeat filling up a spot and I don't want to do that. That being said I totally understand if anyone wants to leave Callipygous Killers to focus on their own crews as well.

The fact that so many players want to run their own crews makes recruiting a challenge. Personally I'd advise against it for that reason. Callipygous Killers is a bit over a year old and only has 149 players on the Max Payne leaderboards out of about 250 members. It's only 240 now because I booted a lot of deadbeats and many left to start their own crews. So unless you only want a small crew I'd advise against creating your own. The difference for me is I established this crew shortly after the release of Max Payne 3 so I've had a year to build it up when there was less competition due to fewer crews. But if I had not started a crew back then I would not start one now. Even back the starting up was tough becuse recruiting wasn't easy even then. It's frustrating to watch your membership rise at an excruciatingly slow pace.